Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pick up your cross

What does it mean to "pick up your cross & come after Christ?

In the Bible, Luke 9:23 says, "And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." How do we do that practically in our day?
It means to get ready to face persecution for His sake but follow Him anyway and be Christlike in your lifestyle. Picking up one's cross is simply to take on the hardships that will most likely befall you as a Christian.

Our cross is the baggage that hinders us away from Jesus. The cross is a metaphor for all the things that separate us from Christ. To take up our cross would be to face these challenges and follow Christ for the answer and remedy to these issues.When we follow Him all of our cares and worries will pass away since we are focused on His glory and not on the sins that so easily beset us.
 This also refers to the Putting Down of your Fleshly Desires that can become Sinful.
You Pick up your Cross and Crucify your Flesh (Worldly Sinful Desires, bad habits etc) by Reading the Word of GOD Daily, Praying Daily, Studying the Word Daily, going to Meetings (assembling yourselves) (what some call "going to church on Sunday)---doing these Things DILIGENTLY is the Way you Follow Jesus and "Pick up your Cross" (crucify the fleshly, sinful Desires) and become Christ-Like.

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