Tuesday, November 29, 2011


"His is not the author of confusion, but of peace…
1 Cor. 14:33

Therefore I shall stand still….

In Exodus 14:13-14, Moses told them to fear not and stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.  The Lord will fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.  Don’t allow the enemy to provoke you to say things that you know are wrong.  Hold your peace, let God fight the battle.  All you have to do is trust Him.  He will show up.
Stand still and hear what the Lord will command concerning you. (Num 9:8)  Don’t listen to any other voice but God’s while you are going through. His voice is the only one that can and will lead you out.  Friends mean well, but there are times when your friends get in the way of your being blessed.  If their advice is not of God, it will delay your blessing and extend your time in the fire. 
You need to pray.  Everyone don’t have to and shouldn’t know what you are going through. Ask the Lord to open your ears to receive His words and His words only. 
Stand still and consider the wondrous works of God…….. (Job 37:14)  Reflect on all the times when you thought
you weren’t going to make it and God showed up right on time.   Remember the house He blessed you with, the rent He paid, the car got for you, the job you needed, the time He went to court for you.  Remember? 
If there is a problem in your life, and you can’t seem to solve it.  
Take your hands off it!  Pray and stand still
If your husband or wife has left you and you know God gave them to you.  
Pray and stand still
If you are sick and the doctor has given up.  Don’t give up on God.  
Pray and stand still
Don’t look to the left, don’t look to the right, 
but look to the hills from which cometh your help.  
Stand still
Waiting on God is not always easy.  He never said that it would be.  But if you allow Him to work it out for you it, you will come through the test sooner.   Don’t move until you know it is the Lord guiding you. 
He will speak peace to soothe your weary soul.  
Soon you will see every trial unfold.  
Stand still
God has not forgotten you; 
He knows exactly where you are and what you are going through.  
Stand still
God is our refuge, a very present help in time of trouble.
Stand still
Eph 6:13. And then having done all… STAND.  STAND with the full Armour of God on.  
STAND UP and bless the Lord your God forever and ever   (Neh: 9:5)

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