Friday, November 18, 2011

Jehovah Jireh my provider

 The believer therefore, should acknowledge God as the provider of His
individual needs, and like Abraham, this is often an act of faith. When we are
‘tested’, we should believe that God will come through. When money is tight, or we
are looking for work, when we need transport or accommodation, whatever it is,
we should have faith that Jehovah Jireh will come through. Paul tells Timothy that
the church should “…put their hope in God, who richly provides…” (1Tim 6:17b)

 God also provides for us when we are tempted. Paul writes “…when you
are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”
(1Cor 10:13) And we can have faith that He will do all of this, because we know He
is able. As God, Creator, All Mighty and All Sufficient, nothing is impossible for Him.
Psalm 111 says the Lord “…provides food for those that fear Him; provided
redemption for his people;” (verses 5 & 9

Here the psalmist sings the truth of God as Jehovah Jireh, providing His
people with their physical and Spiritual needs. Jesus, when pondering the people’s
concern about their needs asked “…why do you worry…your heavenly Father knows
that you need them.” (Matt 6:28a & 32b) He sees our need (Jireh – foresee), He
knows us intimately. He created us and knows what we as humans require to be
healthy and active, and He is lovingly concerned with how we are and what we a
individuals need. Jesus is saying that worry is a waste of precious time and energy
that would be better spent seeking His kingdom. That is to say, in prayer and
meditation on His word. God wants His children to acknowledge Him as supplier
and provider, and to come to Him in faith. It is why He says “…For everyone who
asks, receives; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be
opened. (Matt 7:7)

James writes that “You do not have because you do not ask.” (James 4:2b)
He also says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God…But when he asks he
must believe and not doubt…” (James 1:5a & 6a) James is telling us that God is our
supplier of all things, and our faith in Him for all things will, through prayer, bring us
that which we lack, not only in a physical sense, but mentally (wisdom) as well a

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