Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"A good thing"

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. -- Proverbs 18: 22

What does “He who finds a wife” really mean? 

 The Hebrew word for finds is the word “Matsa” It means to happen upon, to come upon, to encounter, to fall in with. So in light of that you can better understand this verse if you read it this way. He who happens up, or stumbles upon, or happens to come upon, or stumble upon a wife has found a treasure. It does not mean that you get the mission impossible team together for one last invasion of the feminine stronghold of available women to conquer the task of getting a wife. In fact, if you do this, you run the risk of not only making a huge mistake, but ending up with someone that was completely out of God’s plan for your life. Trust me I know and I did.

He who finds a wife must first find himself.

If you are going to find a wife along life’s journey then you need to really know who you are yourself. How will you be able to tell if a woman is meant to be your wife if you do not know if she will be that helpmate talked about in Genesis 2:18 New Living Translation (NLT) 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” ? You will end up choose a wife based on criteria that comes more from the world’s standards or the standards you grew up with than what are God’s standards unless you know who you are personally. In my own life for instance, I am a shepherd of God’s people. There are certain things that go along with that calling that are just part of the job. To invite a woman into my life as a wife who would not be a good fit would be to invite disaster and many hurt people, including myself. The same is true for you. You need to know who you are and what type of woman will be that helpmate for you.


He who finds a wife does so as he is about his master’s business.

Finally gentlemen, get busy serving Jesus. Proverbs says that finding a wife shows that you have received favor from the Lord. It is a gift of grace. So instead of focusing on finding that wife, focus on pleasing your Lord. He will find you that wife in due season. Get busy serving Jesus, blessing His people, and being faithful in the things He has given you to do today. Remember the parable of the faithful steward. What little things He was faithful over showed the Master that He would be faithful over greater things. Nothing can be greater than being given a daughter of the King. So place your trust in God. Let Him be the one that causes your wife to come across your path and trust that He is big enough to cause you to recognize the event when it happens.
Now that is something to think about!


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