Monday, January 30, 2012

The Storm

Even in the storm, God sometimes calls us to take steps of faith. Instead of avoiding the storms, he challenges us to walk on water—bringing his message of hope even to the places we fear.

All too often, we as God's people allow fear to rule our actions. Instead of responding to God's call in faith, we hesitate, unsure of ourselves and uncertain about the challenges ahead.

We forget that God believes in us. He trusts us just as he trusted Peter to step out on the waves. And he knows that we can achieve amazing things if only we will follow him absolutely.

Most Christians long to walk on water. Few actually do.

But if you look to God for the ability, instead of relying on yourself, you may just find the courage to step out of the boat.

What is the ?boat? of your life—and will you respond with courage when God calls you to step out of it?

In our walk with God we often experience the same storms and danger.  Sometimes the pressures are so intense that it seems impossible to go forward anymore.
In such storms, what should our attitude be?  Is there any hope or help from God?
The Lord says; "Call upon me in the day of trouble.  I will deliver you and you will praise me." (Psalm 50:15)

Yes, we may cast all our burdens upon Him, for He cares for us.  He daily bears our burdens.

A moment of introspection:  When the storms of life beset us, what should our attitude be?  "Call upon me in the day of trouble.  I will deliver you and you will praise me."  Thus says the God whom we serve.  In the day of trouble... We are not called to live in the future, or the past, but in the present--learning from the past, with hope for the future.  So, in the day of trouble, when problems happen, how do the Holy Scriptures direct us to respond to such bother (keeping in mind that God's Word "is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" - Psalm 119:105)?  Call upon the Lord; pray to our heavenly Father.  Seek His face, and notice the wording carefully:  He says "I will deliver", not "I may deliver" you.  The Psalmist shouted, "Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Selah"(Psalm 68:19), for he knew the care shown by God when he laid his burdens before God. When the turmoil of life overwhelms, when the cares of our mortal plane sweep over us, when the tunnel of pressures mounts on all sides with no inherent promise of relief--in these troubles, call on God.  "In the day of trouble," God's promise radiates hope through His assurance:  "I will deliver you."

Do we understand God's deliverance, as we have interceded for Christians hated by this world?  God has promised deliverance in the fiercest tumult.  He knows the need of the moment and, as we call upon Him, we can be assured that God's promise ensues and is carried out.  We know God's answers to be perfect for our need; yet His replies may surprise us.  Have we learned to trust Him though we do not understand Him (Isaiah 55:8)?  We often sing a hymn, "Trust and Obey", in church; in those stanzas we Christians have boldly averred that trusting God is the only way to find happiness.  And we find happiness in serving and trusting the God of promises-kept.

Our God-given response to His deliverance is to praise Him!  No storm can keep the Holy Spirit from His appointed rounds; He is with us to comfort in the day of trouble.  He is the Comforter sent by God to minister to and guide believers in this world (John 16:7-15).  No terror or viciousness from Satan himself can remove our advocate in the halls of heaven itself from pleading our case; Job knew this (Job 16:19-21), and the apostle John himself bore testimony to this assurance (1 John 2:1).  So we praise God in the midst of trouble.  God "bears our burdens," Christ pleads our case before the Father, and the Holy Spirit comforts and guides us through this life, no matter what good or evil betide us.  Amid the storm, trust God and praise His holy Name!

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