Friday, December 16, 2011


 As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations." He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.
Romans 4:17

The words that you speak are not just sounds that reverberate in the air; the words that come out of your mouth can change your situation, alter your future and change the course of your life forever. Let me start by saying that the words you speak have a profound effect on everyone that hears them, even yourself to a greater degree than you can realize or understand now. The words that come out of your mouth are a representation of what is in your heart and mind. Positive words will bring about positive results, and negative words, will have the same effect in a very powerful way. Every word that comes out of your mouth comes from your feelings within you and these words translate into who you are and what you feel and believe. Positive words have the ability to lift anyone out of the stagnation that they are trapped in and pull them up to being able to see the potential that is within them. One benefit of using the power of positive words is that even the speaker will be reenergized and given the encouragement to go on. We hear what we hear and, when things are spoken in our presence, we take it in and it gets processed in our minds. 
Everything that we hear goes into our minds and stays there, either negative, or positive things collect in our minds. When we hear positive things, we get a sense of the possibilities around us and it encourages us to go forward and do positive things. The same thing applies with the negative things that we hear, they drag us down, make us want to avoid certain situations, and bring us to the place of seeing things in a negative way, thus we are limited in our thinking and the way we approach things. Our ears hear and our minds collect, quite an awesome thing when you get the understanding of how this works, and it will allow you to learn how to avoid the negative things and the negative people that always bring the negative things to us.
With our words, we can build up or we can tear down, the choice is up to us with what we do with our words. I will encourage you now to avoid the negative things and people for a set period, for a week if possible, then see how you feel about things and if you are a naturally positive or negative person. This little exercise will help you to understand how much actually gets into your mind and locks itself away there. After a short period of time, for say a week, you will begin to see how you think about things, and what type of person you are, either a naturally positive or negative person, and then you can start to work from there. The power of our words will have a dramatic effect when we understand what we say and how we say it. 
When our words are positive and blended with our faith, there is no limit to what we can call into being. This is a profound statement and it will make sense in very short order. We can only speak with the faith that we have, and if our faith is weak, our words will be weak too. Here it is; we have the power to call into being whatever we can think or imagine, when we add our faith to our desires, and use what we have within ourselves to call into being what we truly need. With our words, we can call into being whatever we truly need or desire, but we have to remember to be very specific, and very careful to realize and understand what we are truly asking for or calling into being. Our words are very powerful and what we call into being will be from what is inside of us, coupled with our faith, and put in place by an act of our will. We have the power to call what we need into being and then see it materialize and know with certainty that we can do this with every area of our lives. The dangerous part of all of this is if we ask for what we want, to fulfill our own selfish desires, we will create more problems for ourselves, than we will ever improve. We have to first see our motives in what we are calling into being, and see what is motivating us and make sure it is a positive thing and that we are using what we call into being in the context that it needs to be used in. 
If you have faith and trust for a new mindset, then it will not work to get you a house or move a mountain. The things that you call into being will be relative to your faith and trust in God. If you have faith for a molehill, there will never be a mountain appear before your eyes, I know this is simplifying it to the extreme, but it is really that simple, call into being whatever you have faith to believe in and then be amazed in what comes about. The motives that you speak it into existence with will also play a critical role in what you are able to achieve and bring about. Selfish motives will only bring about our demise, and you will speak things into being that will be hurtful and cause you pain and suffering. That is why you need to do the self examining thing first, and if you are prone to negativity, you need to distance yourself from the negative influences in your life, before you attempt this and then you can speak into existence what you truly need and desire.
The power of our words is an awesome power and it will forever change us if we use our words to build up and not tear down, learn to speak with words of faith and trust, then you will begin to see the fruit of what you sow, and your life will be a true reflection of who you are in God and what you are truly willing to do for Him. Learn to use the power of your words for good, and let the evil things pass away and then you will begin to understand the power of your words, and what you can do to change so that you will begin to speak in the way that will bring Glory, Praise, and Honor to our God and Father.

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